If you are new to EGA, follow these steps:
In the drop-down menu under membership, select Individual (this should already be selected). The cost covers Dayton EGA, Regional (Great Lakes Region), and National dues.
Click Sign Up Now.
On the next screen, where it confirms in a green band that “Dayton Chapter” has been added to your cart, click View Cart on the right side of that green band.
Click Proceed to Checkout.
On the left side, fill out your billing details, then proceed to the Membership questions below that, check New Membership, and answer the other question.
Indicate how you will pay: credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay (this choice is at the top), or by check.
Check the box labeled, "I have read and agree to the website terms and conditions.”
Finish checking out. You are done!
If Dayton EGA is your primary chapter and you want to renew your dues:**
Follow the directions here: https://egausa.org/step-by-step-how-to-renew-your-ega-membership-online/. National has made it pretty easy!
If you are a PLURAL member of Dayton EGA OR a LIFE Member of EGA, then join or renew using our handy online form.
** Renewal reminders will be sent out from EGA National ahead of your renewal date, going forward.