2024 Programs

Dayton EGA Programs for 2024

We will be continuing our Metal Threads/Goldwork SIG - beginners are welcome! (Registration has begun for Marylyn Doyle's Last Leaf metal threads class. The piece is suitable for all levels, including beginners! Email info@daytonega.org for more information.)

GCC for 2024-2025 - We are looking at starting Marion Scoular's Pulled Stitches Clover (https://egausa.org/courses/pulled-stitches-clover/) the latter half of this year. As part of our 50th Anniversary Celebration in 2025, the chapter will pick up the teaching fee so that only the text fee and shipping will be paid by participants. Registration will begin September 11, 2024 and end October 15, 2024.

New for 2024!

Quarterly Sunday Afternoon Stitch-ins - all are 2 PM Eastern to 4 PM Eastern

Bring a WIP or a new start and stitch with us!

2024 GLR Lectures

January 28: Bernice Steinhardt - Memories of Survival: The Art and Story of Esther Nisenthal Krinitz

March 17: Relics in Situ - The Benefits of Wear: Examining the Support Structures of Embroidery

May 12: Tonya Bentham - Opus Anglicanum

July 28: Dr. Gale Owen-Crocker - Animals in the Bayeaux Tapestry

September 8: Katherine Diuguid - The Making of the Burgo de Osma Retable Sampler

November 3: Dr. Susan Kay-Williams - The RSN and the Four Coronations of the Twentieth Century

For EGA's Virtual Lecture Series: https://egausa.org/virtual-lecture-series/