2019 Programs
EGA Dayton Chapter Programs 2019
Wednesday Group Programs:
January: Bette Kelly lecture on Croatian cutwork embroidery
February: Stitch-in
March: Patty Balster and her beaded boxes
April: Symposium
May: Susan Wells talks Italian Cutwork
June: Stitch-in
July: Picnic
August: Stitch-in
September: JaneK and Huck Toweling Project
October: Mary Ellen talks Quilting
November: Cecilia leads us in a Button Project
December 7: Guild Christmas Party!
Satellite Stitchers Programs:
January: Stitch-in
February: Make net bags for daffodils for Avril's Celebration of Life
March: Bette teaches Long and Short Stitch
April: Stitch-in
May: Field trip to Martha's Heirlooms, Mason OH
June, July, and August: "We've all gone fishing!"
September: Ramona will teach a class on painting linen- since it involves supplies to bring, please let me Bette know in advance
October: Bette will reprise a pulled thread project originally given by Sue
November: Ann will teach a very beginning project on rug hooking- please let Bette know in advance if you're interested
December 7: Guild Christmas Party!
Saturday Stitchers Programs:
January: Stitch-in and Show & Tell
February: Stitch-in, Show & Tell, and Info on Symposium
March: Stitch-in and Show & Tell
April: Stitch-in, Show & Tell, and Symposium
May: Cutwork with Susan Wells
June: Stitch-in and Show & Tell
July: Stitch-in, Show & Tell, and Picnic
August: Stitch-in and Show & Tell
September: Stitch-in and Show & Tell
October: Bargello presentation
November: Buttons with Cecilia
December 7: Guild Christmas Party!